MEDIASTAR MS-10000 ROYAL Digital Satellite Receiver New Software.Software PC, Loader, and apps Download.Mediastar tools, channel editor. All Mediastar Dump Flash file Download.Other MEDIASTAR Receiver Latest Software Update Click Here. and Contact Us at Facebook Page or Twitter.


The Media Star 10000 Royal satellite is very beautiful, and it also uses a powerful CPU of the new Taiwanese generation, which has greatly increased the quality and speed of the receiver, and has also been able to reduce the slowness of the device completely in the high number of satellite networks. and eliminate the use of a rotating dish in this royal model.

The 10000 Royal satellite device used a Taiwanese CPU which was used in the past and had to be removed due to the price increase, and according to the changes of the new series, they have been able to increase the acceleration and speed of operation and the image quality of the receiver, which with The reasonable price of this receiver model is 10,000 royal, it is a suitable option to buy a new satellite receiver with good image quality and reasonable price in Media Star products, the first model of the proposed store.



The specifications of the Media Star 10000 Royal Full HD receiver worked very well, high power, stylish appearance, with a Wi-Fi dongle and 2 USB ports, hard drive support up to 2 TB, and playback of new audio and video formats with high power, and it also works from h code. 264 and with a high-end Wi-Fi dongle and a free and powerful Funcam account that you will be able to open most of the routes with high power. In addition to free sharing, new hardware technology has been used to remove noise and image skipping.


1- Powerful ALI CPU
Built-in 128MB DDR3 SDRAM high speed memory.
2- Flash 8 MB / Flash 8MB
3- Satellite receiver with a special feature, the possibility of using two different and beautiful menus, with continuous updates for different tastes.
4- The new Media Star satellite receiver supports the H264 codec
5- Ability to support old and new USB-WIFI types along with a free USB-WIFI with antenna
6- Support 3D channels as well as DVD-S, DVB-S2, H264 frequencies.
7- The most advanced hardware technology to remove noise and image skipping
8- New satellite device, powerful tuner with the possibility of amplifying weak signals
9- Internet account for 12 months of powerful sharing of the Funcam global server (purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)


10- Sharing 3 months ForeverTV account free Media Star 10000 Royal
11- New high quality satellite receiver with European standard
12- The storage capacity of 8,000 television and radio channels (purchase Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
13- Support for various resolutions
576i 50Hz, 576P 50Hz, 720P 50Hz, 1080P 24Hz, 1080P 25Hz, 1080i 50Hz, 1080P 50Hz
14- One remote control and support for all Media Star remote controls (price of Media Star Full HD satellite)
15- Two USB ports with excellent support for all types of external hard drives and peripherals
16- Beautiful and modern writing panel with high-quality material (buy Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
17- Works well with all types of cband/kuband LNBs.
18- Types of DiSEqC1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3 usals. (Buy Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
19- Excellent support for all types of sharing protocols such as CCCAM, Newcom, etc.
20- Support for new Tandberg and Powerview coding systems and the possibility of manual and easy input of BISS, DCW, Tandberg and Powerview codes, etc.
21- Powerful advanced search tuner or Blind Search (buy Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)


22- Network Search capability
23- easy operation of functional keys on the panel (online purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
24- EPG function (buy Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
25- Media Star 10000 Royal receiver with HDMI output (online purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
26- behind Media Star 10000 Royal AV output receiver
27- Ability to edit PID (buy Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
28- With internet radio (buy Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
29- Search for several transponders or frequencies together and the ability to search for several satellites at the same time
30- You will be able to use VPN very easily on the new Media Star 10000 Royal satellite device.
31- New Media Star satellite receiver with full Persian language support. (Online purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
32- Displaying Persian subtitles with the possibility of editing options according to the user’s taste.
33- New receiver for online translation of movies and satellite programs in different languages, including Farsi.
34- It has 8 categories of favorite channels and the possibility of increasing categories. (Online purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
35- Editing and moving channels in the desired list and urgency.

Software Update

36- Update through RS-232 port. (Online purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
37- Upgrade via USB with easy update.
38- Fix software problems through USB during boot without using cable and loader.
39- Upgrade through the Media Star internet server through the satellite device itself. (Online purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
40- Editing the degree of satellites in different situations for easier installation of the satellite dish, which will be required by the satellite installer in most cases.
41- Good and smooth operation of Media Star full HD receiver with Farsi teletext.
42- Network and Internet connection through wireless and 3G.
43- One of the top features of the new satellite receiver is to use
IPTV, G-VOD, G-IPTV, G-TV, G-mytube, YouTube and support for m3u and m3u8 files are included in this new model. (Online purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
44- The new Full HD Media Star receiver has the Apollo feature well.
45- 3G modem support, SIM card modem. (Online purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)


46- Multi-pictures, picture and picture in picture and the ability to record in different formats
47- Download softcam and software from dedicated FTP server
48- Ability to set manual and automatic clock and recording timer and adjustable sleep timer
49- Password on the receiver with different accesses
50- Standby mode during power outage and manual and automatic adjustment
51- The ability to pause while recording and also while watching PAUSE channels in normal mode
52- Spectrometer to check the signal level of several frequencies together
53- Sat2IPTV support
54- SSSP and the ability of Twin Protocol and Bluetooth and support of various sharing protocols
55- Control with Android and iOS mobile phones and tablets
(Online purchase of Media Star Full HD satellite receiver)
57- The possibility of using the Actiocode protocol to buy the Media Star 10,000 Royal receiver from the Telegram channel of the Forki receiver from the satellite installer store (buy online


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4- MediaStar MS-10000 Royal_ BlackMenu V1.09.24774 08052023.rar
3- MediaStar MS-10000 Royal_ BlueMenu V1.09.24569 17012023.rar
2- MediaStar MS-10000 Royal_ V1.09.24450 29112022.rar
1- MediaStar MS-10000 Royal_ V1.09.23538 22022022.rar

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MEDIASTAR MS-10000 ROYAL Receiver Latest Software 10/04/2024


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