Download SUPERSTAR SR 6464 HD MEGA Receiver Software, Firmware Latest Update. Update Super Star HD Receiver Firmware with Many New Options. For all model super star HD receivers and the latest software update, click here. For new Updates and For any Help Contact Us Facebook Page or Twitter.
ይሔ የ SuperStar SR-6464 HD Mega ረሲቨር አዲስ ሶፍትዌር ነው።
Add Funcam Server (ነፃ አንድ አመት Funcam Server አለው ይሔም Amos 4°W Yes Package ቻናሎችን ይከፍታል)
Add Apollo IPTV ( ነፃ አንድ ወር Apollo IPTV አለሁ Bein Sport ጨምሮ ብዙ ቻናሎችን ያለዲሽ በኢንተርኔት ብቻ ይከፍታል)
Benefits Apollo Includes Free One Month Apollo Includes many football and entertainment channels, including BeinSport.
Super Bolt is useful for IPTV
Extreme iptv is useful
Local IPTV is useful
It is useful for YouTube without interruption
Reads Amharic for example files on flash in Amharic, items written in Amharic on YouTube
Online Update if you need new software
14. You can use SDS as Slave
15. You can watch any channel by clicking the Audio Button on the
remote. You can
17. If you lose or damage your software because you have a lot of remote remittance in the software, you can easily and easily get the receiver remote on the market
It has a QR Code on the receiver which will show you the correct website of the receiver and when you scan the QR code it will take you to the correct SuperStar website.
The receiver has one year warranty on the company.
The price from the receiver to buy all this is very
reasonable. 22.
The receiver can search for a Hide WIFI SSID.
If you want to buy the receiver, please contact Yirga Haile, the first shop on the left side of the Gondar porch compound.