Mediastar MS-15000 UNEVA SOFTWARE



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Mediastar MS-15000 UNEVA SOFTWARE


Supports DVB-S-S2 frequencies, 3D, and H.265 channels
Video: HEVC/H.265, H.264, MPEG-4, H.263, AVS, AVS PLUS, MPEG-2, MPEG-1
Audio: MPEG-1, MP3, MPEG-4 ACC and ACC Plus (HE ACC V1 and ACC V2), AC-3, DD+
Different supported resolutions: 576i 50Hz, 576P 50Hz, 720P 50Hz, 1080P 24Hz, 1080P 25Hz, 1080i 50Hz, 1080P 50Hz
Equipped with two new optimized remote controls, also compatible with other Mediastar remote controls.

Features & Subscription

24 months of powerful internet sharing through the new Forever Forever global server.
Jaisher opens up more than 290 channels beyond the server, including Packet Nova on Hotbird, Dish TV HD on Asianist, First on Neil Sat, etc.
Supports Wi-Fi, including free Wi-Fi USB with new m7601 chipset and antenna.
XBMC Media Center
Excellent support for sharing protocols such as CCCAM, NewCAM, etc.
Supports the new Tandberg and PowerWave coding systems.
Allows manual and easy entry of BISS, DCW, Tandberg, Powerview, etc. codes.
Install all types of IPTV.
G-VOD capability.
G-IPTV capability.
G-TV capability.
The functionality of G-mytube.
Supports m3u and m3u8 files.
Net Photo feature.
GMS screen feature.
DLNA DMR capability.
DLNA DMP capability.
Wi-Fi Direct feature.
3G modem support, SIM card modem.
Twin protocol feature.
Supports various sharing protocols.
Control and stream with Android mobile phones and tablets.
Control and stream with iOS mobiles and tablets.
X-time shift.

MS-15000 Uneva File Download

New! MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu Ver337 2024-5-22.bin
28- MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V334 10042024.bin
27- Mediastar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu Ver331 20240129.rar
26- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V329 17102023.rar
25- MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V325 18072023.bin
24- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V323 06052023.rar
23- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V321 21032023.rar
22- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V320 29112022.rar
21- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V318 28102022.rar
20- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V315 21072022.rar
19- MediaStar MS-1500 Uneva_BlueMenu V2.90 06072022.rar
18- MediaStar MS-1500 Uneva_BlackMenu V2.90 05072022.rar
17- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V313 29042022.rar
16- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V309 09122021.rar
15- MediaStar MS-1500 Uneva_BlueMenu V2.88 03122021.rar
14- MediaStar MS-1500 Uneva_BlackMenu V2.88 03122021.rar
13- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_Fix Boot Problem.rar
12- MediaStar MS-1500 Ferrari_Flash Dump.rar
11- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_BlackMenu V308 06092021.rar
10- MediaStar MS-15000_Uneva BlackMenu V307 03062021.rar
9- MediaStar MS-15000_Uneva BlackMenu V306 23052021.rar
8- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_V304 19042021.rar
7- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_V302 26032021.rar
6- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_V299 01022021.rar
5- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_V298 17122020.rar
4- MediaStar MS-1500 Uneva_V2.85 30102020.rar
3- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_V293 12082020.rar
2- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_V292 21072020.rar
1- MediaStar MS-15000 Uneva_V288 19062020.rar

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MS-15000 UNEVA Receiver Latest Software 22/05/2024


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